Always take the Scenic Route


We took the scenic route, and that made all the difference! So much beauty we are surrounded by!  We started from Mysore at 8am and drove through forests and crossed mountains (one with 27 hairpin curves) to get to Kochi …. on the way we stopped to admire nature, saw some banana planters in action, experienced an elephant crossing the road and thoroughly enjoyed our time together on the road!


Kochi was fun, meeting with friends and family during festive season always fills your heart with joy…. we gorged on food, chilled out by the backwaters, went to the Jewish town and watched a performance by a dance group and just enjoyed the stillness of life.


Kochi is a vibrant city and is also home to Ms. N so this is not the first or last trip to Kochi for us.

Our drive back begun at 6am on 26 December, this was a faster journey as we were mainly on the highway with mostly great roads.


It was also the day there was the solar eclipse that could be visible mostly on our route… we saw a lot of people stopped to observe the eclipse…. it was quite awesome to see it through our sunroof too. Though I tried, I could not really capture the awesomeness on my camera.

I do recommend a road trip to all!



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